
6pm- Meet and Greet
6:15pm- Eric Scrivner's Presentation
6:45pm- Socratic Seminar where we review various Bitcoin topics
7:45pm- Clean up and leave by 8pm.


WeWork Fine Arts will be hosting the event at the following address.

811 W. 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90017


FigAt7th • 945 W. 8th Street
Validated if parking on L1, L2, L3
1 hr for $1, 2 hrs for $2.50, 3 hrs for $4
5 minute walking distance.


943 W 8th St, Los Angeles, CA 90017
Validated for 3 hours if you buy something at Target.

Guest Speaker

Eric Scrivner, Coinbase engineer, will be talking about forks, what they are, how exchanges can protect against them, and how to protect against their negative outcomes.

Eric was tasked with implementing replay protection for BCH/BSV/S2x and so has a wealth of experience.

He'll also touch on why Bitcoin is so averse to hardforks.

Socratic Seminar

We are excited to introduce our very first Socratic Seminar!

Inspired by Bitdevs NY, this is an event for those interested in discussing and participating in the research and development of Bitcoin and related protocols. The Socratic Seminar events are formatted to foster debate, information sharing, and lively discussion.

Discussion topics from a variety of sources are collated by meetup members in the weeks preceding the events. We investigate pull requests in the Bitcoin Core, lnd, and other relevant repositories; we study network statistics, research papers, technical blog posts and other interesting content. To complete the meeting, members present open source projects, companies, research and other relevant materials. A feedback and Q&A section follow.

Please contact the organizers if you'd like to present at the Socratic event or have a recommended topic for discussion: ecurrencyhodler at gmail.

A post will be made the day of the event which outlines discussion topics. Archives of discussion topics and presentations can be found in the event descriptions of past meetups. The discussion portion of the event is NEVER recorded. It is recommended that you have a firm grasp of the basics of Bitcoin in order to extract the most value from our Socratic events.

Bitcoin News

Network Stats

New Work/ Research

Bitcoin PR’s

Lightning PR’s

Q and A

How to earn lightning routing fees?
What is the minimum amount of BTC that is not considered dust?
How do I consolidate my dust?